Saturday, May 4, 2013

A night with the Qur'an

Masjid Umar Presents:
A night with the Qur'an

World renowned Qari Ayyoob Asif (Only 18 years old)
Qari Ridha Jumu'ah Mansoor (World famous Egyptian reciter)

Date: 04/05/13

Masjid Umar
68 Connaught Road

After Maghrib Salaah tonight.

Enjoy and reap the reward of listening to world famous Qurraa' reciting the Qur'an.

The event will also be broadcast live over the air. Radio receivers are available from the committee

Please attend and invite others.

Friday, May 3, 2013

Etiquettes of Jumuah

Sunan of the day of Jumuah -

Preparation after Fajr
  • Perform Ghusl.
  • Remove unwanted hair and clip the nails.
  • Clean the mouth with Miswak.
  • Wear your best clothes (white).
  • Apply perfume.
  • Engage in excessive Salawaat (Durood upon the Messenger Sallallahu 'Alayhi Wasallam).
  • Recite Surat Al-Kahf (18).
Upon arriving at the masjid
  • Arrive early, give some Sadaqah or Lillah and perform 2 raka'aat Tahiyyatul-masjid.
  • Make space for your fellow brother.
  • Listen attentively to the bayaan and Khutbah, whether you understand it or not.
  • Engage in Du'a during Khutbah.
  • Engage in Du'a between Asr and Maghrib.